World Environment Day

World Environment Day

World Environment Day is celebrated every year on June 5th. It aims to inspire people to take action to prevent the growing problems that Mother Earth is facing. The theme for the year 2016 is ‘Zero Tolerance for the Illegal Trade in Wildlife’, and it highlights the fight against the illegal trade in wildlife, which threatens the survival of animals like elephants, rhinos, tigers and other species. It encourages people to spread the word about wildlife crime and the damage it does.

It is important for us to understand that we are equally responsible for saving our environment and not just somebody sitting in government offices and NGOs.
   Activities kids can do on this day can be based on conservation of water, less wastage of resources (like paper), a nature ramble and small skits on why it is important to be caring of the environment. Children can also speak about 2016’s theme in class and make a collage on endangered and extinct species.